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Lauder Wine and Cheese Reception

  • June 15, 2024
  • 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Kensington, England

Once again, my sister has graciously offered to let us meet at her home in Kensington for a reception on Saturday, June 15th from 6pm to 8pm.

We have a max capacity at the event of 50 people, grab your place now! In order to organize things, we need two things from you:

(1) Please sign up in THIS SHEET if you are able to come

(2) Please make a £10 contribution to help cover the cost of the event. Carlos Menendez has kindly offered to take in the contributions via his Revolut account:

Carlos Menendez
Sort code 04-00-75
Account number 57182353

Please make sure you update the sheet once this is done – thank you!

Looking forward to seeing many familiar faces and some new ones at this event. Any questions please let me know.

See you soon!

Best regards,
